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Number of pages: 48
Reference number: 1656/3/9/66
Catalogue ID: 106325
Subject: RescueChildren

The author was a Landgerichtsrat in Danzig (p.1-6). In 1933 he was compelled to renounce his high position at the Court and had to go into retirement on “his free will”, in 1937, receiving a small indemnity for the loss of his pension (p.3). He wanted to emigrate to the USA, but an official of the consulate had been bribed so that he lost his opportunity. After trying in vain to get an entrance visa to other countries, the author and his wife succeeded in getting a tourist visa to Italy for four months. Italians as well as Danzig authorities proved helpful (p.4-6).

The only opportunity left to emigrate from Italy was to go to Central or South America which the author wanted to avoid as too many refugees had been robbed by the respective go-betweens (p.8).

In the summer 1940, there was a tansport of several hundred male refugees to Campagna near Eboli. Women and elderly couples were evacuated to Potenza (p.11-12). In both camps the refugees were permitted to live in private quarters. The author was transferred to the small camp of Tortoreto (province Teramo) which had a very unpleasant commander.

He was reunited with his wife in the large internment camp of Ferramonti - Tarsia near Cosenza. 1,500-2,000 prisoners behind barbed wire; self-government; the author’s wife became a teacher in the school for 100 children. The author himself was the leading judge in two weekly Judicial Sessions. Eager activities in various trades; a remarkable synagogue; 90 doctors and dentists doing good service; excellent musical performances, lectures, etc. (p.13-18).

Transfer to Picinisco near Cassino (p.18-34), where a remarkable part of the population had earned a fortune in England manufacturing ice-cream. Pleasant life in a beautiful villa of an absent Englishman; certain restrictions, unpleasant political official (p.20, 23, 33). The author underwent an operation in a nearby hospital where a Jewish prisoner was the chief doctor and his wife the chemist. Increasing difficulties to get food, i.e. the most necessary quantity. In 1943, the Germans began to collect Jewish refugees and to send them to Germany.

From October 1943, life in a small cave in the mountains near Fonteduno for 12 weeks, during which food was provided for the whole party by the author’s wife under the most difficult and dangerous circumstances (p.26-31).

On 28 December 1943 the couple journeyed back to Picinisco, where the German troops were behaving rather decently. Yellow Star. The interpreter at the Ortskommandantur gave them legal identity cards for a journey to Rome and later told them that he was a former Jewish prisoner of Ferramonti. On 6 January 1944, he warned them to flee the same night. German military drivers gave them a lift and one advised them to stay at Isola Liri, but the place and their nice room was bombed out already on the following morning. Lifts to Rome (p.36-44).

Signor Chierichietti gave them a room in Via Vittorio Veneto, the most beautiful street in Rome, where they stayed for 2½ years next to the German Generalkommando and the lodgings of the Commanding General, a district protected by specially strict measures. They got documents through the Red Cross, and through the most helpful and courageous Mr Levy, ration cards and orders for weekly payments. Convents provided soup and bread. When a lorry was blown up by a bomb, raids took place and 241 arrested were shot dead (p.40).

In June 1944 the last German troops left and the first Americans entered Rome. They were hailed enthusiastically and many refugees who had not dared to leave their houses for months went out into the streets to welcome them. The author’s wife found her mother in a dreadful state, as a beggar, in rags, living on refuse of vegetables in a half-rotten stable. She recovered in the camp of Cinecitta from where she emigrated to Mexico (p.42-43). Help through Joint and UNRRA. The USA offered all Jewish refugees free immigration, a year’s stay in the camp of Ontario and then complete freedom. About 900 accepted (p. 44). The author and his wife left for England in September 1946 where they joined their children after seven years of separation.

Number of pages: 21
Reference number: 1656/3/9/375
Catalogue ID: 106390
Subject: Star of DavidChildren
Creator: Rothschild, Ernst Franz Josef
Witness: Rothschild, Ernst Franz Josef

Mr Rothschild, born 1930 in Hamburg, emigrated with his parents to Antwerp. In 1940 all Jews there were forced to leave their flats, and Mr Rothschild went to Loewen, where he attended school until spring 1942.

When the Association Des Juifs De Belgique distributed the socalled “Labour Demand Notes“to the Jews, Mr Rothschild's mother, two brothers and several other relatives reported for work. They were deported and all of them perished. Mr Rothschild, with his Jewish nurse, went to an aunt, who managed to obtain a Haitian passport and pretended that Mr Rothschild was her child. They reported for internment in a camp for enemy aliens, and in June 1944 they were taken to Vittel near Nancy where they stayed until liberation.

Mr Rothschild's father had been interned first in St. Cyprien, then in Gurs, and from 1941 until 1944 he worked in the so-called “Groupement de Travailleurs Etrangers“.

Number of pages: 4
Reference number: 1656/3/9/439
Catalogue ID: 106397
Subject: Mixed marriageChildren

In order to protect her younger daughter, the author took the advice of a friend of hers and approached a branch of the German ‘Arisierungs Kommission’, Den Haag (Dir. Dr. C Allmeyer) with the help of a Dutch solicitor. She declared that her daughter was the illegitimate child of an ‘Ayran‘ since living in America. The solicitor succeeded to get the young girl registered and by chance also her mother, and all of them (including the husband) got stamps certifying that they were excempt from the ‘Arbeitsdienst’. A year later, the young lady underwent a racial-biological examination at the university, where everybody proved eager to be helpful.

As conditions grew more and more difficult, the parents preferred to go into hiding, and their daughter had to pass another racial examination undertaken officially by a German professor of biology from Kiel who came to the Hague for that purpose twice a year. She was told he would charge fIs. 600 for her certificate, but would be satisfied to get a hundred. And for fIs.100 she became a Mischling Grade 1 and was saved from the yellow star and all difficulties and dangers.

Number of pages: 3
Reference number: 1656/3/9/563
Catalogue ID: 106413

These two documents issued during the German occupation of Romania show how the Volksdeutsche population were forced to enter the Nazi institutions and especially the Waffen SS.

In the second document an agreement is mentioned through which the military service of Romanian citizens of German nationality in the Waffen SS was compulsory.

Here the staff-office even tries to blackmail the father of the youth who had withdrawn himself from the service.

Number of pages: 8
Reference number: 1656/3/9/921
Catalogue ID: 106461
Subject: CatholicsRescueResistance

The author, a Catholic journalist in Prague, was correspondent of the Berlin Film-Kurier, editor of Prager Montagsbeatt and-under the pen name “Christianus” author of Die Totengraber des Sudetendeutschen Katholizismus. After the Anschluss he helped Austrian refugees and worked at the St. Raphaelsverein. When Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, he fled with wife and child to Holland. He remarks bitterly about the bureaucratic attitude of the police who took him to a camp near Rotterdam and about the lack of understanding on the part of the camp administration in Sluis. Dr. Glaser's wife obtained a domestic post in England and took the child with her. Dr. Glaser became liaison man between the Czech National Committee in Paris and influential persons in occupied Czechoslovakia.

After Holland was invaded, Dr. Glaser fled to Belgium and was interned in Lombardzyde. Later, he lived in Middlekerke but was arrested by the Germans and after interrogations in Ghent and Allost, he was kept for weeks at the citadel of Huy under “catastrophic” conditions. After his release a fellow prisoner sent him to the monastery in Chevetogme whose prior found him a place in a refugee hostel in Brussels. Here, he earned his living by selling pictures of saints, published by the monastery. On the recommendation of the Abbe Augustin Van Roey Dr. Glaser got a room in an old men’s home in Ixelles in the winter 1940 - 1941, and was brought in contact with the Belgian resistance.

In August 1941 the Gestapo found out about Dr. Glaser’s earlier activities, and he had to report regularly at their offices in Avenue Louise. When the anti-Jewish laws were inforced, Dr. Glaser became a teacher at a Jewish school. In June 1942 he was given to understand at the Gestapo office, that it was advisable for him to disappear. With the help of Abbe Van Roey and the Resistance he reached Switzerland. He was interned at Neuenburg fortress, and during an interrogation in Berne he learned, that Dr. Jaromir Kopecky was helping Czech refugees. Dr. Glaser became Dr. Kopecky’s assistant in Geneva and tried to reach England via Spain in order to fill the post with the exiled Czech Government

Dr. Kopecky had obtained for him. But he was unsuccessful, and after his return to Switzerland he was sent to a labour camp in Mezzovico near Lugano. Upon intervention of “Caritas”, he later became secretary at the camps of Filisur and Inntertkirchen. In October 1943 he was released, and after a short period as civilian internee in Fribourg, he resumed his work for Dr. Kopecky. In March 1945 Dr. Kopecky’s office became the Embassy of the Czech Exile Goverment and was transferred to Berne, and in July Dr. Glaser was officially appointed Press Attaché. A little later he was reunited with wife and child.

Number of pages: 9
Reference number: 1656/4/4/866
Catalogue ID: 106568
Subject: Auschwitz-Birkenau (concentration and...Children

A report on rescue work on 16 - 18 children of all nationalities who survived concentration camps in Europe. They arrived in England in 1945. Their age was between 3 and 7 years. They were first taken to a reception station in Windermere. Description of their pathetic physical and mental condition. They were cared for by Alice Goldberger, social worker from Berlin. Her wonderful work for children in the interment camp on the Isle of Man became known to Anna Freud who achieved her release, and with whom she has been working since. After 3 months in Windermere, the children were taken to Lingfield House near London, and Alice Goldberger was put in full charge of them. In the course of time this old manor house has become the home of the children, whose gradual recovery and careful guidance into normal life is described in the document.

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