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Results: 1

Number of pages: 9
Reference number: 1656/4/4/866
Catalogue ID: 106568
Subject: Auschwitz-Birkenau (concentration and...Children

A report on rescue work on 16 - 18 children of all nationalities who survived concentration camps in Europe. They arrived in England in 1945. Their age was between 3 and 7 years. They were first taken to a reception station in Windermere. Description of their pathetic physical and mental condition. They were cared for by Alice Goldberger, social worker from Berlin. Her wonderful work for children in the interment camp on the Isle of Man became known to Anna Freud who achieved her release, and with whom she has been working since. After 3 months in Windermere, the children were taken to Lingfield House near London, and Alice Goldberger was put in full charge of them. In the course of time this old manor house has become the home of the children, whose gradual recovery and careful guidance into normal life is described in the document.

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