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Number of pages: 31
Reference number: 1656/1/1/82
Catalogue ID: 104707

The draft of a novel of an autobiographical character dealing with the "geistige Situation und Moeglichkeiten” of an educated Jewish youth before the First World War and his war experiences in 1914.

Number of pages: 14
Reference number: 1656/1/4/343
Catalogue ID: 104724
Subject: RescueSuicideCatholics

An appreciation of Dr. Paul Eppstein (his work and his character) who has been acting as a liaison officer between the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland and the Gestapo, and at the same time was in charge of the training of Jewish youth for new professions. He was deported in January 1943 to Theresienstadt where he became “Judenaeltester”. He was shot at the “Kleine Festung” on 27 September 1943.

Number of pages: 3
Reference number: 1656/1/4/1111
Catalogue ID: 105527
Subject: Children

The authoress was a little girl of ten when she used to recite poetry in public and accompany on the piano her father G. Servadio who was a violin-virtuoso. One night, at a performance in Frankfurt am Main, Fräulein Bertha Pappenheim, then about forty, was in the audience; obviously much impressed by the artistic gifts of the pretty little girl, she went to see her father and told him about her disapproval: it did not seem right to use a child's talents in public at such a tender age. When he replied that he could not afford to do without her collaboration, Fräulein Pappenheim offered to befray the costs of her education and later training for her artistic career. She kept her promise in the most generous way.

With Fräulein Pappenheim's help the family settled in Vienna, where the child attended school and the young girl was introduced into high society and artistic circles through the influence and recommendation of Fräulein Pappenheim who then provided the means for the attendance of the “Schauspielschule” and helped her in every way to become a most successful and well-known actress.

Number of pages: 8
Reference number: 1656/2/1/133
Catalogue ID: 104766
Subject: Children

Miss Nelly Wolffheim, formerly a well-known nursery teacher and child’s psychologist in Berlin, started after 1933 to train Jewish girls in these subjects, holding seminars, firstly illegal, later officially recognised as “Umschulungslehrgaenge” of the Jewish Community.

Number of pages: 5
Reference number: 1656/2/1/175
Catalogue ID: 104767
Subject: RescuePolishSchools

This report is a sworn statement in which the author tells what he and his family experienced in Hamburg from 1933 - 1939. Later, his parents were deported to Poland, after he and his brother were taken to England with a Kindertransport.

The father was forced to give up one business after the other to Nazis, as well as his lodgings. After a car accident, in which he was gravely injured, he went to court, won the case, but did not get a compensation; the bill amounting to RM 2000 was paid by a friend of his. From September to November 1938 he was in Buchenwald.

The report describes the school surrounded by SS; some children beaten; the author and his brother were rescued by a non-Jewish lady and teachers were arrested. Two SS-men smashing up a synagogue fell to their deaths.

In 1947, the two brothers were naturalised in England and served subsequently five years each in the British Army, in Korea and Malaysia respectively. Unable to find the jobs which would secure their future, they are trying to save the money for emigration to Canada.

Number of pages: 1
Reference number: 1656/2/2/96
Catalogue ID: 104788

A report by Gertrud Ehrenwerth on her experiences as a general social worker in Stettin up to 1934 and later as a Jewish social worker in Neu-Isenburg, Heim des Juedischen Frauenbundes.

A rather dubious letter from the head of the Youth Welfare Department of the municipality is added, praising Miss Ehrenwerth's merits and saying at the same time: “Es sind Leute gegangen, die man ganz gerne gehen sah......”
Number of pages: 9
Reference number: 1656/2/2/1165
Catalogue ID: 104804
Subject: SchoolsChildrenNovember Pogrom
Summary: A former headmistress of a training college for teachers at infant schools reports on her experiences in Vienna under the Nazi régime until her emigration with her husband (in January 1939) to Shanghai, China, where a cousin of hers, a refugee from the Russian revolution, had settled many years previously (p.4-8). She soon got a job at a school for refugee children and infants, which developed rapidly (p.4-5). The pupils would hail from any kind of social background from big towns and small villages in China, India, Russia, Germany, C.S.R., Austria, Hungary; they were all very nervous, but would go on very well with each other (p.7-8). Dangerous climate; bombardments, no shelters, in 1945 and 1946; Japanese terror; persecutors Wiedemann, Goya (p.5).

Return to Europe with the help of the authorities, the Committee of Refugees (p.4, 7) and the Austrian Residents Association (p.7); bad conditions (p.6); Red Cross at Austrian frontier (p.7). Arrival in Vienna, on 13 February 1947; new job as a teacher.

Number of pages: 5
Reference number: 1656/2/4/93
Catalogue ID: 104855
Subject: RescueNovember PogromDachau (concentration camp)

Dr. Flehinger gives an account of the happenings in Baden-Baden on 10 November 1938, rounding up of Jewish men, their ill-treatment and final deportation to Dachau. He also mentions the synagogue fire. Dr. Flehinger particularly wishes to put on record the name of Leo Wohleb as a righteous man and champion of human rights; he was headmaster of a grammar school.

Number of pages: 18
Reference number: 1656/2/5/178
Catalogue ID: 104885
Subject: Children

Mr M. Mitzman, secretary of the Women's Appeal Committee of the Central British Fund, reports on his impressions during a visit to Germany, Austria and Poland in 1939. He was particularly interested in the work of the Youth Aliyah and the measures taken by other Jewish bodies to prepare the emigration of young people to Palestine. He mentions the Youth Aliyah camp at Gut Winkel (Germany) with over 200 children; the numerous workshops for instruction in handicraft in Vienna; the preparatory camps at Mossbrunn and near the Semmering (Austria); and the agricultural training establishments in Poland.

The author states that in Poland even then many Jewish shops were boycotted, and that the Jewish population there was, on the whole, very poor.

Number of pages: 4
Reference number: 1656/2/5/650
Catalogue ID: 104899

The report deals with the different training centres (“Unschichtungskurse”) which were set up in Frankfurt am Main, immediately after the boycott. Already four weeks thereafter the “Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden” and the Jewish Community, Frankfurt were able to open training centres in agriculture, horticulture and instructional workshops for technicians, locksmiths, mechanics of precision, etc., in connection with regular courses in theoretical subjects. Soon these courses were attended by Jewish youth from all parts of Southern Germany, the Rhineland & Hesse. Hostels had to be established where they could stay & live a community life. The “Haushaltungsschule”, Koenigswarterstrasse (School for Domestic Science) had considerably to be extended and a huge capital invested to meet the steadily growing financial claims between 1933 - 1939.

Number of pages: 47
Reference number: 1656/2/5/756
Catalogue ID: 104900
Subject: AntisemitismRescueNovember Pogrom

Autobiographical sketch, completed in England at some time during the last war. Although the Manuscript is not divided into chapters, the following main parts may be distinguished:

I. The author's family background and youth, his life as a student of Law, and his experiences as a German judge (p.1-7). This introductory part contains some interesting observations on pre-Nazi antisemitism, especially in academic and professional circles.

II. The author's work as a functionary of the “Centralverein” and the “Reichsvertretung” (p.7-30). With intimate knowledge and rather unusual objectivity he describes the gradual elimination of Jews from German national life, the widely differing attitudes of individual German civil servants, and the reactions within the German population. He was particularly concerned with the defence of the rights of Jewish doctors (p.9-16) and the fight against anti-Jewish economic measures by individual Nazi agencies in excess of the existing laws. The dissolution of the B'nai B'rith lodges, of which the author was a prominent member, is described on pages 22-26. The demolition of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, before the pogrom of November 1938, in Hesse and Upper Silesia is mentioned on page 27.

III. The author's arrest during the November Pogrom and his imprisonment in the concentration camp Sachsenhausen, from which he was released on 16 December 1938.

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